H. Marie Creative Co.

If you run an online business, a sales funnel is one of your most important marketing tools. However, many entrepreneurs—both newbies and seasoned pros—often don’t fully understand what a funnel is or how it works. Without a clear grasp of this key part of your business, you might see fewer sales, lower profits, and an […]

Sales Funnels

June 17, 2024

What Exactly is a Funnel?

Hosting a free webinar to kick off your new offer? Webinars are fantastic for building excitement and attracting new leads for your launch. But to get more webinar sign-ups, you need to treat your sign-up page like a sales page too. In this post, I’ll share my top tips for designing a sales page for […]


June 3, 2024

Essential Elements of a Successful Webinar Sign-Up Page

Website design goes beyond mere aesthetics; it’s fundamentally about enhancing user experience. A well-crafted website not only looks appealing but is also simple to navigate, ensuring a positive user experience. In this post, I’ll reveal some top welcoming website design strategies that can help you deliver a fantastic experience to your visitors and users. What […]


May 20, 2024

Create a Welcoming Website with a Clever Design

Have you ever felt a surge of urgency to purchase something online because it was part of a limited-time deal or because the store indicated that only a few items were left in stock? Scarcity is a great sales page technique employed by clever retailers to dramatically increase your conversion rates. But what’s the best […]

Sales Funnels

May 6, 2024

The Art of Scarcity on Your Sales Page

It can be important to have different levels of coaching options and services available in every part of our business, from free coaching calls to VIP days or mastermind retreats. A variety helps new potential clients go from just getting to know you to becoming big supporters more easily, and it’s also a great way […]


April 15, 2024

A Coaching Funnel Full of Variety: The Secret Sauce to Client Success

Creating an effective sales page is crucial for converting visitors into customers, but it’s easy to fall into common traps that can hinder your success. Whether it’s your first time crafting a sales page or you’re looking to improve your current one, avoiding these pitfalls is key to maximizing conversions. Let’s dive into five typical […]

Sales Funnels

April 1, 2024

Maximizing Conversions: Avoid These 5 Sales Page Mistakes

Maximizing Conversions: Avoid These 5 Sales Page Mistakes

A website is like the welcoming front door to your business, giving everyone a peek into what you’re all about. It’s the very first hello to potential customers, letting you put your best foot forward. With a great and top-notch website, you can not only catch the eye of new folks but also keep them […]


March 18, 2024

The Power of a Top-Notch Website in Boosting Your Business

Excited about the upcoming launch of your new business, product, program, or digital course? I understand that navigating through various marketing strategies can feel overwhelming, and it’s tough to know which one would be best. In this blog post, we’ll discuss six different marketing strategies that will suit your launch needs and work well for […]


March 4, 2024

6 Marketing Strategies for Launch Success

The saying “the money is in the list” may sound cliché, but its truth remains undeniable. To boost sales and advance your business, cultivating an engaged email subscriber base is crucial. Wondering how to achieve this?  In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to grow your email list and sell more. Keep […]


February 19, 2024

How to Grow Your Email List and Sell More

It’s pretty common for folks to think they need to be experts in absolutely everything before they can offer advice or help others. This kind of thinking often stops them from sharing their insights and experiences with those who could really use it. Ever felt like you just don’t know enough, haven’t been around long […]


February 7, 2024

You Don’t Need to Be a Super Expert to Be a Fantastic Coach