H. Marie Creative Co.

It can be important to have different levels of coaching options and services available in every part of our business, from free coaching calls to VIP days or mastermind retreats. A variety helps new potential clients go from just getting to know you to becoming big supporters more easily, and it’s also a great way […]


April 15, 2024

A Coaching Funnel Full of Variety: The Secret Sauce to Client Success

It’s pretty common for folks to think they need to be experts in absolutely everything before they can offer advice or help others. This kind of thinking often stops them from sharing their insights and experiences with those who could really use it. Ever felt like you just don’t know enough, haven’t been around long […]


February 7, 2024

You Don’t Need to Be a Super Expert to Be a Fantastic Coach

While one-on-one coaching might seem to be the holy grail of business, life, and even health coaching, the truth is, many people actually prefer a group program.  With one-on-one coaching, it’s just you and your coach. The focus is all on your business, what you did (or did not) accomplish in the last week or […]


December 19, 2022

Why Group Coaching Programs Are Great

Office Table with coffee, plants, laptop and pen.

When is the last time you changed the theme on your website? Changed your headshots? Rewrote your “About” page?  If the answer to any of those is more than a year ago, listen up, because big coaching paychecks require more than a fancy sales page and an email pitch. If you want to attract high-end […]


December 12, 2022

Coaching Business Makeover | It’s Time for a Change

Woman working on her laptop